Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sulfur Dioxide Safe Used Fruits
beginning of a long career? Miss
Once upon a time, a group of friends who went to see the provincial selection of Miss Italy in Torre Del Greek, a lady of the stage, turned to a group of guys and saying, "What are you doing here?" Go and change! " But the girl I told him that she had only come to see the miss with friends, and then the lady exclaimed: "I knew it, the beautiful are always out!" These words gave the impetus to make a girl Miss, but there was a problem, Where? and When? And then a friend turned to her saying that there would be a parade soon, in order to win the title of "Miss Sporting Club 2008," the girl was glad of the news, and immediately arranged with the Friend try and see what they had to do, take it off. After agreement has been approved username friends, the girl poured in Poggiomarino, the place where the parade would be held. A push was not the will to win, something over which they had, but really want to do it, so once the evening came, his friends poured in Poggiomarino (face many difficulties) to be able to see their friend . Start the parade, and friends are placed in the corners to make a sumptuous cheer for their friend, but during the parade of qualocsa unexpected happens: While Miss You change to be able to begin to remove the "Spimaticissimo" conductor, for fill the time, calls into question Fabio, one of the friends together other two boys home sonoscoiuta, and makes them shopping and sfliare to win the band "Mister Sporting Club 2008" (which is an anticipation of next year?). Fabio is terrified, before beginning tried to escape, and during the competition, also has tried or hide (or perhaps see the world was in the dressing room with women) but despite the roccambulesco friends cheering supporters, he could not win the Fabio ' inambita band, and later it was time to see who was the Miss to win the most sought after band, that of "Miss Sporting Club 2008, there were 9 bands to be assigned, ranging from" Miss Smile "to" Miss Abbronzatissima "Friends were more or less sure that their friend would have won a band, but as the bands flowed, disappointment and hope are increasingly taking shape on their faces until the time came when the announcer would announce the winner of "Miss Sporting Club is ... ... .. 2008 ( says a lot of stupid things to waste time) .... .... the number 19! Marianna Abbagnato, Tower of the Greek! " Just the Number To Fal jumping, literally, in the air his friends introduce them to supporters: Giuseppe, Umberto D, Claudio, Fabio, John and I, in a capidombolo remembered that much the same when Italy won the World Cup, all this while their friend in disbelief, it was delivered by Miss Sporting Club Band 2007, it too red hair, also it number 19, it likewise named Marianna. Fortune, Beauty and more? Of course a person who had great luck was Umberto D. When he found himself in choosing which car to go home! Indeed the family car Marotta, immediately returned home and ate pizza as well, but with the De Luca family car, with the New Browser "Go With God", better known as "Antonietta Sorrentino," would be made before a turistco around the countryside, before returning home! XD (Album Summer 2008 photo)

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