Monday, April 26, 2010

Blender Blueprintshouses

The gang of Justice for Rosarno

They gave vent to their anger. They wanted to show up and no longer be considered ghosts wandering the countryside of the plain of Gioia Tauro. They joined together and decided to rebel against the inhuman conditions they were subjected to earn a few Euros per day in return for backbreaking work. The reasons for the uprising now known Rosarno are all here. It seems that even the prosecutor's investigation of Palm has found that urban warfare rosarnese of January was the result of discontent, and suffering from the many non-brood for months in the area. For years. Inside the former Rognetta, in abandoned houses. Silos of abandoned factories.

Thanks to their own testimonies, gathered by officials of the International Organisation for Migration, the investigation has taken a turn and this morning, with the operation Migrantes (watch the service) accomplished by staff in the squad of Reggio Calabria, by the police and the military of the financial police have taken in handcuffs for 31 people, Italians and foreigners, were seized and 20 companies and 200 for a land value 10 million €. In particular, nine of the suspects, four Moroccans, a Bulgarian, an Egyptian, an Algerian, a Sudanese and a Tunisian ended up in prison, while twenty-one are held under house arrest and has been subjected to the obligation to stay. In prison, therefore, end up only corporals, all foreign nationals: for business owners and land, however, the magistrate of the Court of Palms ordered house arrest, then separated, as gravity, the two pipelines. Three of the suspects have been traced to non-Caserta, Catania and Syracuse, where, notoriously, is used to collect seasonal migrant labor camps. The investigation began in January, when the revolt took place in Rosario of immigrants involved in the citrus harvesting. Investigators have identified a suspected organization that was responsible for recruiting and exploiting foreign workers employed in agriculture. "The investigation - said the head of the squad, Renato Cortese - revealed a network connection of 'gang masters' who ran the workforce, with strongholds in Catania, Villa Literno, near Caserta real 'placers of arms'. "Investigators have also found that the base of the protests and violence were the conditions in which absolute subordination to immigrants ended up in the hands of people who forced them to work in unfair conditions. The foreign workers were forced, in fact, working on average 12 to 14 hours a day for a fee of twenty-five euro per day, six ended up in the hands of the 'corporal'. rebels was prohibited. Who was suffered retaliation or threats.

It should finally be stressed that although they are now gone three months and a half from urban warfare, the atmosphere in Rosario continues to remain tense. Retry it is the fact that just last night a policeman was injured in a smear of hand during the scuffles were born among a group of Bulgarian and some residents rosarnesi.


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