Calabria exist in a Masonic lodge from the exoticism and long name ('provincial College of symbolic ritual East Phoenix Italian Catanzaro ') which would have included dozens of people. He would have found out about a year ago, the prosecutor of the Prosecutor's Office in Crotone, the young Pierre Bruni, who enrolled at the time, 20 people under investigation on charges for various reasons, of conspiracy, disturbance d 'auction, abuse of office, fraud, fraud in public supplies, embezzlement and forgery. This morning, in the same delicate investigation, which revolves around a two-million-euro fraud on the provision of computer equipment and office furniture in schools, new searches were carried out both in schools and in homes and school managers owners of private companies provinces of Catanzaro, Cosenza and Vibo Valentia. The military of the Finance Police, among other things, have found the material of the type used for Masonic rituals. In the home of a person involved in the investigation, Lodari Fortunato, 41, of Catanzaro, owner of the information society "The brain hardware, rigging investigation for fraud auction, were found caps, collars and aprons. A discovery is not just because it confirms the existence of a secret lodge operating in Calabria, in the light of similar material found during the first phase of the investigation last year in search of the house of the former office manager provincial school in Crotone, Luigi Leone. Leo but the financiers found something more important: A list of 22 names of persons belonging to a Masonic lodge called 'provincial College of symbolic ritual East Phoenix Italian in Catanzaro' which is not reported as required by law, no authority at authority and, therefore, be considered as a covered loggia. And again. Always Luigi Leone is at the center of investigation of Bruni. The then director of the Office School Board had, in fact, merged the two companies in public funds which it held his son, Joseph Leone, for the purchase of computer equipment or office furniture and stationery. The searches have today
also cover the bureaux and secretariats of the Department of Medical Sciences University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia, the Institute for surveyors and professional Prestia of Vibo Valentia, including the Institute of Vivariense Squillace (Catanzaro), Institute of Malafarina Soverato (Catanzaro) and comprehensive schools Mattia Preti of Catanzaro and Alvaro San Pietro a Maida.
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