Tuesday, June 29, 2010
How I Know Digree In Kundli
The strange absence of the center of the city council Monday
resign is a noble act, importantly, that marks a crucial step in adherence to a political position or not, when you make policy. You can resign for many reasons: in protest, to make room for someone else, tactics, because we realize that we are inadequate or not having a specific role.
Monday, as all torremaggioresi know, there was a surreal city council. The center (which is more diversified in its joints) he has not presented, making made to postpone the vote on the new administration and the new Chair of the Board. As background, they say the knowledgeable individuals, to the directors of the center there was a shift from a notary public to get their signatures on the commitment to resign. Apparently not all have signed.
Now, this behavior is very strange. At the bottom of the center-Torremaggiore had a simple way to get - if they wanted - the sciogliemento City Council: vote against the programmatic lines of Mayor Vincenzo Ciancio, at that point would had to resign and go home, would confirm also the end of consiliatura. But they did not. Simply not occurred. Strange, very strange attitude, no?
There are two possibilities: either uttered these advisers going to a notary public had a genuine desire to put an end to something they consider wrong. Or wanted to send a signal. And the two things are irreconcilable.
In the first case, they should act accordingly and formalize their resignations, which can not be a private act to be deposited with a notary (as a contract, a deed or a will), but a public document to be submitted to the council. So if you do not share what happens, do not have that to go into resigning.
But if, like u 'Scazzamurrill' thinking, those advisers have sought to convey a message center, and with the move by the notary or by the absence at the council, it is good that this message is clear to all torremaggioresi. It is obvious that, apart from the previous challenge, the intent of the directors of the center was to send a message, otherwise they would simply have resigned or been dropped by the mayor.
What is the message? It is not difficult to decode. The message is: Dear Mayor, where do you come with us, doing a good turnaround (remember? As did the former mayor), you can manage, you have a majority. In other words, cast a hook, a call that does not do justice to the mayor, who do not really want to know sudden reversals. He made it clear Monday, members of the center that met the city council after an abortion: a sudden reversals do not even think about it. Besides, who knows the loyalty of Vincent has never taken even for a moment accept the hypothesis. Only those who do not know it could bet on this idea sock.
At this point, the directors of the center-the official one - must make a choice without overturning the most impossible dream. Or take note that it is important to the city administration and stop with these little games of the three cards, or consequence of, and they resign, if numbers are sufficient to dissolve the council, all at home and you vote next year. And there is not even need the notary.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Microwave Heat Packs Wheat
While Calabria is preparing to welcome tourists, there are still places where there are evident signs of winter we have left behind. At 4 months after we returned to Maierato and Jano district of Catanzaro. Symbolic places of hydrogeological Calabria. You can review the two episodes of 24 Minutes, titled "Calabria to pieces" on the site of 8 Video Calabria. Clicking on the images, go directly to video related.
Molested In Japan Train
Domenico's name must not be forgotten. That's what John Gabriel asked from the steps of the Cathedral Basilica of Crotone, in conclusion one day he and his wife Francesca would erase from the calendar. His words break the silence in the piazza Duomo, while the candles are still lit light in the darkness descended on the city, John turns to young people: "do not be dragging on bad roads, not ruin your life and do not do harm to others" .
Exactly one year after the massacre of the soccer field of Crotone in which the small Dodò was fatally wounded during a shootout, a settling of accounts between gangs, free association and a group of sports journalists of Crotone, wanted to remember Domenico Gabriele organizing a soccer tournament, just where the massacre took place, and a silent candlelight vigil. Free to ... play the name of the initiative. A title on a day like this is almost a demand, a call, an alarm. An event that was attended by representatives of local institutions, law enforcement agencies, associations of individuals. A few hundred in all, in a city that has more than 60 thousand inhabitants. "Whoever wanted to put his face was present," said one of the organizers. The important thing is not just leaving parents Dodò on a day like this. A sad anniversary, even if the photo printed on the T-shirt depicting a happy Domenico.
What happened this morning in the neighborhood of three hundred housing does not go quietly, in fact. Don Antonio Rodio, who waited for the parade in front of the Cathedral to a gathering in prayer, remember that someone just hours before he shot a child of 12 years because annoyed by his shouting. "I know you wonder where God is - he said - but I ask you: where is the man? Where is the man in this town? "And looking at a deserted square, come to think that the claim is legitimate. It is difficult to answer. Of course, the important thing is to begin. Someone is better than none. Next year the same square will be full and maybe a few years to remember Dominic and all the innocent victims of Mafia will much of that people who will serve a stadium to contain it. They can take away everything, even his life. But that hope not.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What Does The R Symbol On Pokemon Cards Mean
U 'Scazzamurrill' joined, July 9 of the Bill will be discussed only shame
Lettera22, an association of journalists born in Italy in 1993 at the dawn of the Web and every day Web makes its arena of news, calls on all forms of association of journalism to adhere to this request by sending an email to reteliberit@gmail.com and publish it on its head.
will be a way to count and to build a network. The appeal is part of what Fnsi launched by various organizations and promoters.
From the July 1 demonstration, the protest against the Bill Alfano will continue in different forms and methods, newspapers and magazines and Web draped in mourning on the 9th day of silence. We think it's also important to the accession of those newsrooms "submerged", often informal, which constitute the information disseminated in our country and most of which travels on the web. But a world that, for this character, often abstains from these forms of protest. Adhering to the call of
Fnsi July 1, draped in mourning our sites and will not publish anything on the 9th but our considerations gag law. This will make it clear that even minor or little known fact, but of alternative and diversified as are most of the backbone of information in Italy, where there are not only major daily newspapers or major television networks. The threat of the bill affects everyone and therefore even those who do not work in a newspaper, not a contracted position, you do not recognize the union or you do not feel represented by the protest. Who is less protected than others, but also colpit or its professional dignity and quality of his work
Lettera22 (www.lettera22.it)
Amisnet (http://amisnet.org)
Libera.Tv (www.libera.tv)
NTNN (www.ntnn.info)
SudestAsiatico (www.sudestasiatico.com)
Afghan (www.afgana.org)
journalism (http://www.gennarocarotenuto.it)
PeriodicoItaliano (http://www. periodicoitaliano.it)
InternoOtto (www.internootto.it)
BellizziNotizie (www.bellizzinotizie.blogspot.com)
News Associations (www.notiziariodelleassociazioni.it)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
How Will Susten 200 Capsule Help For Pregnancy?
Prino April tells the thesis of "Terroni" his splendid book about South
Gay Meetings In Public Toilets
policy velenti between condominium and other atrocities
In Condominium Pincopallo so many things happen.
happens that a former manager of the building is by the Lord to him and says, I suggest building administrator to make the coach of the building. Then he goes by the administrator in charge, and proposes other technicians, Mr. B or Mr. B2. Only to be found just happened just as a technician Mr A. Then go to cry around saying that Mr. A was brought by another former deputy administrator of the condominium. Pinocchione condominium! (BTW: I wonder if Mr. B or B2 or both know that he had gone to the trouble also Mr. A. ..)
happens that almost everyone wants to have a technician condiminio their friend, and if the apartment block were have many technicians, engineers would have more condominiums. So s'incazzano with the administrator and insult him, but do not have the face to tell the truth to the neighborhood: they do it all 'I'm an armchair in the brothel for more. It 's easier to run the voices, insults behind his back, then maybe forcing the administrator to make an administration condominium condominium under constant blackmail.
happens that former directors of the condominium building and a former technical director of attacks and insults the condo, but if they do not resign do so because then they know that without him no one can afford to put the planters in front of the house them. And the next administrator of the building can do in a year. What happens is that condominiums
cowards throw slippers at the Jiminy Cricket who has put on the door of the boiler room. Except that Jiminy Cricket is very fast, it still missing, and Marameo ago and told everyone what really happens in the Condominium Pincopallo.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Which Length Stirrup Leathers Buy

Felix is \u200b\u200ba cat about 1 year is beautiful with huge green eyes that seem to tell a thousand things and maybe that's it!
Felix is \u200b\u200bsad and do not want to stay in the shelter, along with everyone else, he loves the company of both men and cats, but it's tremendously good and fails to assert itself, and hides terrified and expects not to be seen .
In fact Felix was in the last 10 months in a box, like all puppies, vaccinated and treated kept warm, but now Felix grew up and had to leave his box!
In recent months many puppies are passed to the shelter, and almost all have found a better adoption and a new home, but Felix not. .. still waiting for someone to notice him and take him away in a home where they feel safe and protected!

For information call Daniel 3472319509, 3409061282 or write to Anna Maria info@zampamica.it
Felix is \u200b\u200ba cat FIV +!
Or the post always dedicated to Felix
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How To Make Homemade Mma

The story of the deportation of dogs Basilicata circulating on the net, unfortunately, already one year, ie when there was a tendering at the maximum discount, in which the notice is stated "that in the total of these figures includes the cost of food, veterinary care, catching dogs in the territories of the Community High Agri disposal of the bodies of dead dogs, but also the animals that do not belong to wild or exotic, then cows, sheep, etc. "Only Ionian megacanile Cassano, in the province of Cosenza, responded positively to the invitation by offering 1.60 euro per day per dog.
In recent months there have been several calls from the animal world is political, but the sad day came May 13 when the first 20 dogs were taken away from their old structures. Small glimmers of hope were on May 23 when
"the power of the Provincial Police District, in the person of the Head of Environmental Supervision Lt. Joseph Bello, together with Agent Brown and Agent Maureen Petrucelli Cocolicchio, carried out the seizure of criminal proceedings against legal representative of the Agri Mountain Community High crime of mistreatment of pets. were thus impounded n 367 dogs housed at the kennel ECO Power at the kennel and Goofy Paterno, whose transfer had already begun in recent days, in fact the Doghouse ECO Power have already been transferred to the Ionian Cassano No 27 dogs "
transfer again! The President of ENPA began June 14 on hunger strike
"S ono reached this decision so hard and - added Rocchi - because the wall of silence from the President of the Basilicata region and local government is unacceptable and represents an affront to the conscience of citizens. I appeal to the Basilicata Region that he retraced his steps, and gates, a measure which, besides being unacceptable to the fate of the 400 dogs, mostly elderly, is the dismantling of the national legislation on the stray, the law 281/91. "And 'bitter hoax - concludes Rocchi - that while we celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the regions, their regional administrator becomes responsible for such a serious violation of national laws and culture of respect for animals has established itself in the consciousness of country. "
AZALEA We know what it means to manage that with hard work and great efforts, but also with great joy, a structure with 230 cats are indignant!
http://tv.repubblica.it/home_page.php?playmode=player&cont_id=48740&ref = search
Anna Maria Procacci for dogs of Basilicata
In recent days there have been positive developments that suggest that the great mobilization of the Italians on this story may be preventing the deportation, in fact in recent days many have rallied to take a distance of 400 dogs with a regular form of the structures Basilicata Unfortunately, however, the story can not be closed down ... we'll see how it will end! (June 22, 2010)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Knitted Christmas Scarves

II Summer Festival at the cattery.
This year an afternoon go together to celebrate the arrival of summer and wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS
together with our cats.
A 'chance for old friends to come back and new to know the reality of our cattery!
Come and bring your many friends!

The cattery is located in the Ospedale Carlo Forlanini, Piazza Carlo Forlanini 1 entry, portuense area, once inside the hospital turn right and follow the red arrows that read AZALEA. There is a possibility to park inside.
Arriving by bus lines are useful:
719, 773, 786
Otherwise H 8 and get off at Gianicolense / San Camillo
For those arriving by subway, the closest stop is the Pyramid from there 719 towards the locker Magliana
For more information email or phone info@zampamica.it. 3472319509
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Praganent Women Take Part Gruhav Pravesh

The second episode of 24 Minutes dedicated to Domenico Gabriele, the wounded child to death while playing a game of football. The killers fired wildly on the group of players to hit a single objective: Gabriele Marrazzo, who died instantly.
I met his parents, John and Frank, almost a year since that fateful June 25.
clicking on the picture you can see the special.
Enjoy. Hello
Belly Punching Fetish Free Clips

Dear friends,
I have not had much time to cure my blog recently. Unfortunately my work took me a lot. I share with you what I have achieved in recent weeks and continue to do so in the hope that you enjoy.
clicking on the image you will see the first episode of 24 Minutes, broadcast INFOSTUDIO depth of writing. The title is targeted magistrates and judges is the work of the Calabrian links between organized crime and the lack of staff in the court of my country.
good vision at all.