Felix is \u200b\u200ba cat about 1 year is beautiful with huge green eyes that seem to tell a thousand things and maybe that's it!
Felix is \u200b\u200bsad and do not want to stay in the shelter, along with everyone else, he loves the company of both men and cats, but it's tremendously good and fails to assert itself, and hides terrified and expects not to be seen .
In fact Felix was in the last 10 months in a box, like all puppies, vaccinated and treated kept warm, but now Felix grew up and had to leave his box!
In recent months many puppies are passed to the shelter, and almost all have found a better adoption and a new home, but Felix not. .. still waiting for someone to notice him and take him away in a home where they feel safe and protected!

For information call Daniel 3472319509, 3409061282 or write to Anna Maria info@zampamica.it
Felix is \u200b\u200ba cat FIV +!
FIV, better known as feline AIDS should not be a discriminating factor in adopting a cat, because a FIV + cat that lives in the house has a life expectancy of about 13 years, most often does not manifest symptoms and the probability of infection to other cats in the house is very low. To read more about FIV www.lacincia.it / adotta_un_fiv.php !
Or the post always dedicated to Felix
Or the post always dedicated to Felix
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