the program agreement, denied the trumpet of lies The Nostradamus
a responsible party from right to left
And in the end, all the "prophets" who said au ' Scazzamurrill 'that (in order) had it all wrong, which would eventually Ciancio willy-nilly had to make an alliance with the three "independent", which would have made the turnaround Ciancio, who even gave a list of who voted what would have proved fallacious. They have it all wrong. While u 'Scazzamurrill' that said very quietly that the agreement would be made or programmatic-technical or there would be the resignation and the dissolution of the council, he was right. Especially in the face of the person who ran against the gnome also some allusion minaccetta.
Vincenzo Ciancio has proven speech, he made an agreement on a clear programmatic basis with De Vita and Leccese. The President of the City Council went to the center in Zifaro person. Vice-President is Mina Leccese. All in all it was a balanced choice: as the mayor of the center was not out of the world that the center got an explicit guarantee. The program guidelines have passed with only four dissenting votes - from what I understand - that is, those of Monteleone and the three "independent". Two councilors were absent (one of the PD and a UDC). They then voted in favor: PDL, PD, IDV, Mina list for the city, and Power Tower. Sel is not represented in the municipal council (but remains significant and fundamental element of the center, the more so in the future projects vendoliani give that team an important role). In this chronicle can be marginal errors on the numbers (I just got the news by phone), but in that case it would not be politically relevant differences. With this vote was completely proven wrong (just look at the above-described data) who gave a turnaround for sure that the mayor had never even remotely ventilated to do.
Indeed, more than turnaround, there was an alignment on a deep and important sense of responsibility by all political forces officers. Let's face it: a programmatic convergence of this type is a unique and historic Torremaggiore probably unrepeatable. This raises major concerns on the one hand, because the seal will not be easy (but with a job fair for all, the EC can be done), on the other offers an historic opportunity. While this administration will realize the public health program, in fact, the advisers will have an important role to stimulate and control of content. This time more than ever. Intelligently if they know how to play this role, as they did tonight, will contribute decisively to achieve important facts to Torremaggiore.
The release of the administrative situation, then, offers another juicy opportunity, in the opinion of the elf. The creation of a program agreement allows you to give a framework within which policy can torremaggiorese redraw in order to grow a new ruling class Young and reorganize based on values \u200b\u200band ideals that put in the attic definitivamnete transformism ruling that marked the last decadent years. Although this is an ambitious and difficult, but worth groped. Both in the center, how will u 'Scazzamurrill', both in the center, as of course we hope to do more. So, it's time to roll up their sleeves all.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
String Panel Curtains
Even verbal abuse and threats at the idiotic gnome
The strategy of slander, the trumpeters of the lie, he is also a political threat. As he writes that anonymous au 'Scazzamurrill' that "A sea of \u200b\u200bshit will rain upon him," obviously if you do not realize his plans or his few friends or some friend of a friend. What does this mean? But simple: that those who now threatens (or have threatened) put around effective trumpeters to tell lies, lies, trying to smudge the gnome. It 's a method mafia in Sicily is called "mascara". And he will (make), to charity. Who knows what will invent u 'Scazzamurrill'. The gnome waiting almost amused accomodino you as well. Some people do it for decades and Torremaggiore lie made using the method of science policy in this devastated area.
however, one element is missing calculations of those who sent this kind of threat au 'Scazzamurrill'. The gnome does not have anything to anyone, never asked for any political favors, has no blemish, and then all the lies you tell will be based on nothing. Evaporate in space and time. While the desire of the elf to counter these systems - and paramafiosi patronage - in the end will be further strengthened. We think twice before groped for "mascara" u 'Scazzamurrill'. Because in the end, as often happens, some foxes end up making a fine show if 'in fur.
Monday, July 19, 2010
What Will Happen If I Consume Susten 200
Saturday, August 7, Veronica and Charles of Florence gave Lucio the small joy of home and a feline brother! Thanks so much, especially at balls that did not seem to mind that much Lucio share the love of his family!
On July 6 at 7 am, Anna Maria came to the shelter, and found inside a wicker basket with a cover well-folded and a stuffed animal, a tiny Not even a month old kitten's life through the eyes literally bulging.
Lucio, so it was called the wonder, was rushed to the vet, who could not help but note that the infection had brought the baby to blindness .
Lucio Lucio, as small as a wren, fought like a lion to live survival and has done it! Now distance of twenty days is fine: eating, playing, jumping, purring and loves being held.
Lucio needs a family who will adopt and take care of him!
For more information call Daniel 3472319509, 3409061282 or write to Anna Maria!
To see all photos AZALEA
Saturday, August 7, Veronica and Charles of Florence gave Lucio the small joy of home and a feline brother! Thanks so much, especially at balls that did not seem to mind that much Lucio share the love of his family!
On July 6 at 7 am, Anna Maria came to the shelter, and found inside a wicker basket with a cover well-folded and a stuffed animal, a tiny Not even a month old kitten's life through the eyes literally bulging.
Lucio, so it was called the wonder, was rushed to the vet, who could not help but note that the infection had brought the baby to blindness .

Lucio Lucio, as small as a wren, fought like a lion to live survival and has done it! Now distance of twenty days is fine: eating, playing, jumping, purring and loves being held.
Lucio is very sweet and happy careless of what was removed!
most likely would see this beautiful little one hour, if he had been treated immediately and not left in a beautiful basket with a nice toy for a nice clean conscience that will always be guilty of a horrible shameful act: the animals do not indulge MAI, and especially when they need care, not throw away your life! 
For more information call Daniel 3472319509, 3409061282 or write to Anna Maria!
To see all photos AZALEA
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Nadine Jansen Gained Weight
The three "independent", a false choice
A trappolone they would like at all costs bring down the mayor
for weeks continuous pressure on lobbying u 'Scazzamurrill' to "convince" that go with the three "independent" would be a good choice. The gnome on the mayor envisions that the pressure will be much stronger. These pressures, often conducted with arrogance, however, are not convincing to ever u 'Scazzamurrill'. This is for a particular reason: they do not explain why one should trust a group of advisers who have changed sides immediately after the elections and someone had changed even before the elections in an unprecedented attempt Zompo return.
Well, u 'Scazzamurrill' is not a party leader, not a party organ, is one who thinks with his head. Sometimes good, sometimes it When evil. But when it is first and foremost a question of credibility and consistency, not good reasons, fine. How can you make a deal with someone who has given ample evidence of having a conception of political position, so to speak, much wavering? As an alliance with those who change their deployment would last at every breath of wind? The gnome knows: a few months, just to catch the first good window for the elections. Meanwhile, keep an eye slap the mayor, who was forced to make the "first citizen of the ceremonies" as some members of the Democratic Party has elegantly wished to Vincenzo Ciancio. The mayor certainly knows this and will act accordingly.
The truth is that the alternative of the three "independent" trap is a beautiful and good, in which the prey (the mayor) would die slowly, struggling but failing to escape. The only possible way out - apart from the resignation, of course - is the institutional arrangement that the mayor has stubbornly and generously tried to pursue. Ciancio has left the door open, wide open to De Vita. Now is the former mayoral candidate of the center to take the opportunity to make a choice of generosity and understanding towards his city. Three days ago, in a meeting to coordinate efforts against the closure of First Aid, De Vita was there and said things that make sense. However, no supporters of the agreement with the three "independent", that maybe they were just interested in this kind of issues. Here, on the concrete things, Ciancio De Vita and can happily sit at the same table. Why not do so on the basis of the program agreement to three (Ciancio Leccese-De-Vita) than at the bottom has been reached?
A trappolone they would like at all costs bring down the mayor
for weeks continuous pressure on lobbying u 'Scazzamurrill' to "convince" that go with the three "independent" would be a good choice. The gnome on the mayor envisions that the pressure will be much stronger. These pressures, often conducted with arrogance, however, are not convincing to ever u 'Scazzamurrill'. This is for a particular reason: they do not explain why one should trust a group of advisers who have changed sides immediately after the elections and someone had changed even before the elections in an unprecedented attempt Zompo return.
Well, u 'Scazzamurrill' is not a party leader, not a party organ, is one who thinks with his head. Sometimes good, sometimes it When evil. But when it is first and foremost a question of credibility and consistency, not good reasons, fine. How can you make a deal with someone who has given ample evidence of having a conception of political position, so to speak, much wavering? As an alliance with those who change their deployment would last at every breath of wind? The gnome knows: a few months, just to catch the first good window for the elections. Meanwhile, keep an eye slap the mayor, who was forced to make the "first citizen of the ceremonies" as some members of the Democratic Party has elegantly wished to Vincenzo Ciancio. The mayor certainly knows this and will act accordingly.
The truth is that the alternative of the three "independent" trap is a beautiful and good, in which the prey (the mayor) would die slowly, struggling but failing to escape. The only possible way out - apart from the resignation, of course - is the institutional arrangement that the mayor has stubbornly and generously tried to pursue. Ciancio has left the door open, wide open to De Vita. Now is the former mayoral candidate of the center to take the opportunity to make a choice of generosity and understanding towards his city. Three days ago, in a meeting to coordinate efforts against the closure of First Aid, De Vita was there and said things that make sense. However, no supporters of the agreement with the three "independent", that maybe they were just interested in this kind of issues. Here, on the concrete things, Ciancio De Vita and can happily sit at the same table. Why not do so on the basis of the program agreement to three (Ciancio Leccese-De-Vita) than at the bottom has been reached?
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Christina Aguilera By Night Where To Buy
First Aid, want the law of the jungle
Our regional advisers avoid closure or no longer to seek votes in Torremaggiore
"Finally" is a challenging word, which indicates the end of a path and relief to get it done. But, in the mouth of a man who should represent us all and uses it to say that Torremaggiore will close the emergency room, ie a structure that saves the lives of people, sounds like a slap, a raspberry, an offense. To say that "finally" was the regional director Francesco Damone, in a statement carried in the bulletin of the Puglia region in which it welcomed the solution of problems of staff of the Emergency Room of San Severo, a solution found by the ASL actually putting it in that place will close cousins \u200b\u200btorremaggioresi that their first point of intervention.
Damon, in this case, forgot to be a Regional Councillor. Apparently, wanting credited with their fellow citizens have contributed to putting on a toppicella congestionatissimo congestionatissimo hospital emergency room of San Severo, thought to be only a local councilor. Too bad for him that it must respond to torremaggioresi, which took many votes sounding, like all citizens of this region and its constituency in particular.
Hospital Torremagiore What should be the subject of a reorganization, that we repeat it in many different ways for years. But aside from the fact that the logic of Councillor Damone - I carry the medical Torremaggiore San Severo - does not lead to a reorganization, but the law of the jungle, reorganization - the name says it all - means to manage differently, do not delete. And eliminate a particular service, such as first aid, which should instead be strengthened and this would also benefit Hospital of San Severo, which would be decongested.
The problem, however, is not just Damon. At this point in Torremaggiore started a fight. It must be clear to all that when there is a conflict, who is not with you is against you. It must understand our dear councilors of all political colors. Elections are always ready to come to fish Torremaggiore votes and preferences. Now show that the trust given to them by torremaggioresi is well placed, especially those in our area (such as gnome left u 'Scazzamurrill' is aimed at Dino Marino, which is to San Severo and is also president of the Healthcare Commission, to Elena Gentile, Franco at All Saints at Archangel Sannicandro) endeavor to stop this carnage and to open a serious comparison, leading to greater efficiency and modernization of the emergency room to give this country a serious health. Otherwise, here, you do not see any more.
Our regional advisers avoid closure or no longer to seek votes in Torremaggiore
"Finally" is a challenging word, which indicates the end of a path and relief to get it done. But, in the mouth of a man who should represent us all and uses it to say that Torremaggiore will close the emergency room, ie a structure that saves the lives of people, sounds like a slap, a raspberry, an offense. To say that "finally" was the regional director Francesco Damone, in a statement carried in the bulletin of the Puglia region in which it welcomed the solution of problems of staff of the Emergency Room of San Severo, a solution found by the ASL actually putting it in that place will close cousins \u200b\u200btorremaggioresi that their first point of intervention.
Damon, in this case, forgot to be a Regional Councillor. Apparently, wanting credited with their fellow citizens have contributed to putting on a toppicella congestionatissimo congestionatissimo hospital emergency room of San Severo, thought to be only a local councilor. Too bad for him that it must respond to torremaggioresi, which took many votes sounding, like all citizens of this region and its constituency in particular.
Hospital Torremagiore What should be the subject of a reorganization, that we repeat it in many different ways for years. But aside from the fact that the logic of Councillor Damone - I carry the medical Torremaggiore San Severo - does not lead to a reorganization, but the law of the jungle, reorganization - the name says it all - means to manage differently, do not delete. And eliminate a particular service, such as first aid, which should instead be strengthened and this would also benefit Hospital of San Severo, which would be decongested.
The problem, however, is not just Damon. At this point in Torremaggiore started a fight. It must be clear to all that when there is a conflict, who is not with you is against you. It must understand our dear councilors of all political colors. Elections are always ready to come to fish Torremaggiore votes and preferences. Now show that the trust given to them by torremaggioresi is well placed, especially those in our area (such as gnome left u 'Scazzamurrill' is aimed at Dino Marino, which is to San Severo and is also president of the Healthcare Commission, to Elena Gentile, Franco at All Saints at Archangel Sannicandro) endeavor to stop this carnage and to open a serious comparison, leading to greater efficiency and modernization of the emergency room to give this country a serious health. Otherwise, here, you do not see any more.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Colored Bracelets Meaning
L'Aquila, a wonderful package of mixes
Despite the beatings, the Aquila are peacefully defend his case
thought how to stop them? L'Aquila is a city of rugby, the Aquila know how to be a wonderful package of mixes. And so the beatings were not enough, the bans were not enough. The Aquila got through via del Corso in Rome yesterday, and to get under the balconies of the Palazzo Chigi to scream their sacred indignation against a regime that exploited them first media and then left to live the harsh reality of a town annihilated by the earthquake and indifference.
You had to see them, the Aquila, outside the headquarters of the Presidency of the Council. People of all types, all ages, with the band mayors, city banners of the crater. Someone used the bells, someone else has pulled off even a "vuvuzela". All equally angry blacks. Indeed, black-green as the color of flags waving very proud.
Yet the day was tense. Only a system can be thought of stopping at dusk canceling the protest visibility. And so they wanted to prevent reaching the House of L'Aquila. Have flown beatings by the police, at least two children were injured. Why then? In Rome there are events every day. Yet that event, lorsignori were afraid. Perhaps because they have filled the heads of so many tall tales of the Italians and they're afraid to wake up to find that on an event which has filled the hearts of all the pain, you are done speculations and stories are told.
Then, they lost their heads. Instead of allowing simply a peaceful and civilized people (certainly not dangerous black bloc, see pictures of Sky to understand) going to scream their righteous indignation of the Italians in front of the house (a house that they have lost it), Hano given orders to prevent it. Even with the violence. Here, a system tends to use the twilight censorship and violence. This is something to think about, politically.
The Aquila gave a great, wonderful demonstration of what democracy is. They wanted to prevent them from manifesting, they did not succeed. Beccata also beatings, the Aquila arrived in places of power, in a fair and determined. As a great package of mixes, in fact.
Despite the beatings, the Aquila are peacefully defend his case
thought how to stop them? L'Aquila is a city of rugby, the Aquila know how to be a wonderful package of mixes. And so the beatings were not enough, the bans were not enough. The Aquila got through via del Corso in Rome yesterday, and to get under the balconies of the Palazzo Chigi to scream their sacred indignation against a regime that exploited them first media and then left to live the harsh reality of a town annihilated by the earthquake and indifference.
You had to see them, the Aquila, outside the headquarters of the Presidency of the Council. People of all types, all ages, with the band mayors, city banners of the crater. Someone used the bells, someone else has pulled off even a "vuvuzela". All equally angry blacks. Indeed, black-green as the color of flags waving very proud.
Yet the day was tense. Only a system can be thought of stopping at dusk canceling the protest visibility. And so they wanted to prevent reaching the House of L'Aquila. Have flown beatings by the police, at least two children were injured. Why then? In Rome there are events every day. Yet that event, lorsignori were afraid. Perhaps because they have filled the heads of so many tall tales of the Italians and they're afraid to wake up to find that on an event which has filled the hearts of all the pain, you are done speculations and stories are told.
Then, they lost their heads. Instead of allowing simply a peaceful and civilized people (certainly not dangerous black bloc, see pictures of Sky to understand) going to scream their righteous indignation of the Italians in front of the house (a house that they have lost it), Hano given orders to prevent it. Even with the violence. Here, a system tends to use the twilight censorship and violence. This is something to think about, politically.
The Aquila gave a great, wonderful demonstration of what democracy is. They wanted to prevent them from manifesting, they did not succeed. Beccata also beatings, the Aquila arrived in places of power, in a fair and determined. As a great package of mixes, in fact.
Home Depot Contest Back Yard Make Over
The eagle flies
Civil but angry protest of L'Aquila, mocked and abused by a rotten country
regime will end up on the news as the fourth, fifth report, although it will be shown. Probably the TG1 will devote 15 seconds of a piece on the age issue "abbrozzante cream or suntan lotion?" and a ponderous service on the beaches open to "Fido", as they say obsessively imminzolinate journalists, perhaps because saying "dog" is just chic. Well anyway, imaginary news of u 'Scazzamurrill', the fact that in Rome there is now a civilian but really angry expressions of citizens' Aquila, is on the cover.
They were exploited for electoral purposes and to make a spectacle of pain, but they - the L'Aquila - have always responded with civility and dignity. Today, treat them as earthquake victims in "B", not for them the same delay on the payment of taxes that have been given in earlier cases. They want the payment of taxes and arrears, and they want it now. Then who cares if they have a house (or houses) and, especially, if they have not their city. They are new, yes, only when there is for him to do some walking from backstage to election of Prime Minister or his associates. All this only happens in a country sick, rotten. U 'Scazzamurrill', like thousands of others, and today there is (albeit briefly, because unfortunately now works) is to put his face between his friends at L'Aquila Piazza Venezia and outside Parliament. The Eagle has to go back to flying.
Note: the photo is not of today's demonstration.
Civil but angry protest of L'Aquila, mocked and abused by a rotten country
regime will end up on the news as the fourth, fifth report, although it will be shown. Probably the TG1 will devote 15 seconds of a piece on the age issue "abbrozzante cream or suntan lotion?" and a ponderous service on the beaches open to "Fido", as they say obsessively imminzolinate journalists, perhaps because saying "dog" is just chic. Well anyway, imaginary news of u 'Scazzamurrill', the fact that in Rome there is now a civilian but really angry expressions of citizens' Aquila, is on the cover.
They were exploited for electoral purposes and to make a spectacle of pain, but they - the L'Aquila - have always responded with civility and dignity. Today, treat them as earthquake victims in "B", not for them the same delay on the payment of taxes that have been given in earlier cases. They want the payment of taxes and arrears, and they want it now. Then who cares if they have a house (or houses) and, especially, if they have not their city. They are new, yes, only when there is for him to do some walking from backstage to election of Prime Minister or his associates. All this only happens in a country sick, rotten. U 'Scazzamurrill', like thousands of others, and today there is (albeit briefly, because unfortunately now works) is to put his face between his friends at L'Aquila Piazza Venezia and outside Parliament. The Eagle has to go back to flying.
Note: the photo is not of today's demonstration.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Antisocial Personality Jeffrey Dahmer
Kittens adopted!
Here are some of kittens looking for home in the cattery AZALEA
Jade is a kitten about three months at the shelter, abandoned AZALEA June 29, with his sister Juliet (below) and his mother Sweet, who just over 6 months was pregnant again five kittens! Jade and sweet and Juliet are waiting for someone to notice them and not abandon more like two old shoes. Giada and Juliet were adopted on September 5 by Priscilla!

Iago and Jessica
Iago and Jessica are two kittens about three months arrived at the shelter, AZALEA June 18, cooled and battered, saved from a very risky situation, and now are in perfect health but are so small and they have already seen a lot in their lives!
seek a family to take care of them, it would be nice to be adopted together, as survivors are making each other strong! Jago has been adopted by Jessica and Stephen Giampaolo September 3!
seek a family to take care of them, it would be nice to be adopted together, as survivors are making each other strong! Jago has been adopted by Jessica and Stephen Giampaolo September 3!

Camillo is a kitten about 3 months, found in a former church undernourished and dying, and now is a beautiful kitten, nice and vitality inevitably overwhelms you! Who can resist his languid eyes and its sweet nose ?!?!? Camillo was adopted on July 20!
HELP TO FIND A FAMILY TO THESE KITTENS, VENITELI FIND THE AZALEA cattery! For information call Daniel 3472319509, 3409061282 or write to Anna Maria
To see all the kittens at the shelter, looking for home AZALEA click on: .com/photos/imicidiazalea/sets/72157622573189527/with/4761067496 / Thursday, July 1, 2010
Quotes About Family Member Sick
Saviano in Rome against the gag law-
"I am convinced that this battle is transverse, which is not even more political parties, that is going on something very dangerous and complicated, which is beginning to divide the country among good people, regardless of the ideas , and outlaws, regardless of the ideas "
"I am convinced that this battle is transverse, which is not even more political parties, that is going on something very dangerous and complicated, which is beginning to divide the country among good people, regardless of the ideas , and outlaws, regardless of the ideas "
Avarge Price On A Starter
The false trumpet
What is a warrant? And who gives the mandate to the Mayor? One more thing ...
A Torremaggiore, as we all know, there are trumpets. The trumpet is an ancient craft of local politics, is a guy who goes around saying things dictated by poteruncolo that, in turn, must credit the rubbish to be useful then their dicks. In these two months, the trumpeters sounded deeply. The last tune says: "The Mayor has had the mandate to go with the three 'independent'." Mo ', beyond the specific issues and value judgments, anyone who knows a bit' facts and use a little 'head knows that this can only be a nonsense. But since 'is boiata is catching on, u' Scazzamurrill 'wants make some technical clarifications.
Monday, after the pathetic city council had an abortion, has run the center together with the mayor to make an assessment of the situation and give the mayor information, tips and more. According to the trumpeters in that meeting, the mayor was given a mandate to go and deal with three. Some trumpeter also says "a deal beforehand." But things are not so and could not even feel it.
At that meeting, the mayor has received a number of indications ranging from "really resign", the "pretend to resign," the "comes with three", the "deals only with De Vita," the "is and 36th grades to resign in the event. " Now these signs and tips are not a mandate. The Mayor's got a mandate, and only one received by citizens when they voted. Parties, given the electoral system that provides for the direct election of the mayor, the mayor can not bind to anything. So, in that meeting, the Mayor could not receive any mandate. The choices we make, in short, she will be putting his face, not the party, which at most may decide through their bodies to support no more. Here then lie to the trombone.
But then, say the ill-informed, u 'Scazzamurrill' at that meeting said that no one had a mandate. At the time! The Mayor could not receive a mandate that meeting and has not received. But the party representatives who were in there we had a mandate and how. And someone had sent more stringent than others. Let me give an example. The Democratic Party, to name one at random (by chance?), Not a secretary but a coordination of three and no one has the powers of a secretary (which usually also has powers to address, subject to the confidence of governing bodies ). Now if one of these coordinators had, for example, proposed to deal with (even in advance) with the three independent, would have done as purely personal, since there is no vote of the Board that provides the policy there. If putacaso had spoken in his capacity as member of the coordinating committee, then he would go far beyond its mandate and should account for such a serious encroachment on the executive of the party.
What is a warrant? And who gives the mandate to the Mayor? One more thing ...
A Torremaggiore, as we all know, there are trumpets. The trumpet is an ancient craft of local politics, is a guy who goes around saying things dictated by poteruncolo that, in turn, must credit the rubbish to be useful then their dicks. In these two months, the trumpeters sounded deeply. The last tune says: "The Mayor has had the mandate to go with the three 'independent'." Mo ', beyond the specific issues and value judgments, anyone who knows a bit' facts and use a little 'head knows that this can only be a nonsense. But since 'is boiata is catching on, u' Scazzamurrill 'wants make some technical clarifications.
Monday, after the pathetic city council had an abortion, has run the center together with the mayor to make an assessment of the situation and give the mayor information, tips and more. According to the trumpeters in that meeting, the mayor was given a mandate to go and deal with three. Some trumpeter also says "a deal beforehand." But things are not so and could not even feel it.
At that meeting, the mayor has received a number of indications ranging from "really resign", the "pretend to resign," the "comes with three", the "deals only with De Vita," the "is and 36th grades to resign in the event. " Now these signs and tips are not a mandate. The Mayor's got a mandate, and only one received by citizens when they voted. Parties, given the electoral system that provides for the direct election of the mayor, the mayor can not bind to anything. So, in that meeting, the Mayor could not receive any mandate. The choices we make, in short, she will be putting his face, not the party, which at most may decide through their bodies to support no more. Here then lie to the trombone.
But then, say the ill-informed, u 'Scazzamurrill' at that meeting said that no one had a mandate. At the time! The Mayor could not receive a mandate that meeting and has not received. But the party representatives who were in there we had a mandate and how. And someone had sent more stringent than others. Let me give an example. The Democratic Party, to name one at random (by chance?), Not a secretary but a coordination of three and no one has the powers of a secretary (which usually also has powers to address, subject to the confidence of governing bodies ). Now if one of these coordinators had, for example, proposed to deal with (even in advance) with the three independent, would have done as purely personal, since there is no vote of the Board that provides the policy there. If putacaso had spoken in his capacity as member of the coordinating committee, then he would go far beyond its mandate and should account for such a serious encroachment on the executive of the party.
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