Saturday, July 10, 2010

Christina Aguilera By Night Where To Buy

First Aid, want the law of the jungle

Our regional advisers avoid closure or no longer to seek votes in Torremaggiore

"Finally" is a challenging word, which indicates the end of a path and relief to get it done. But, in the mouth of a man who should represent us all and uses it to say that Torremaggiore will close the emergency room, ie a structure that saves the lives of people, sounds like a slap, a raspberry, an offense. To say that "finally" was the regional director Francesco Damone, in a statement carried in the bulletin of the Puglia region in which it welcomed the solution of problems of staff of the Emergency Room of San Severo, a solution found by the ASL actually putting it in that place will close cousins \u200b\u200btorremaggioresi that their first point of intervention.

Damon, in this case, forgot to be a Regional Councillor. Apparently, wanting credited with their fellow citizens have contributed to putting on a toppicella congestionatissimo congestionatissimo hospital emergency room of San Severo, thought to be only a local councilor. Too bad for him that it must respond to torremaggioresi, which took many votes sounding, like all citizens of this region and its constituency in particular.

Hospital Torremagiore What should be the subject of a reorganization, that we repeat it in many different ways for years. But aside from the fact that the logic of Councillor Damone - I carry the medical Torremaggiore San Severo - does not lead to a reorganization, but the law of the jungle, reorganization - the name says it all - means to manage differently, do not delete. And eliminate a particular service, such as first aid, which should instead be strengthened and this would also benefit Hospital of San Severo, which would be decongested.

The problem, however, is not just Damon. At this point in Torremaggiore started a fight. It must be clear to all that when there is a conflict, who is not with you is against you. It must understand our dear councilors of all political colors. Elections are always ready to come to fish Torremaggiore votes and preferences. Now show that the trust given to them by torremaggioresi is well placed, especially those in our area (such as gnome left u 'Scazzamurrill' is aimed at Dino Marino, which is to San Severo and is also president of the Healthcare Commission, to Elena Gentile, Franco at All Saints at Archangel Sannicandro) endeavor to stop this carnage and to open a serious comparison, leading to greater efficiency and modernization of the emergency room to give this country a serious health. Otherwise, here, you do not see any more.


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