Sunday, January 16, 2011

Geico Rate Increase After Accident

NELSON: the "long road" to the vita_ADOTTATO

Nelson was adopted January 27, 2011 by Paola, thank you very much for giving this beautiful cat a reason to live!

Nelson's story is similar, unfortunately, to that of many stray cats, but his will to live, her tenacity and her look smart and are proud of him an extraordinary cat!

Nelson was a kitten who lived free wandering in the gardens of Grottaferrata, knowing where to find food. His favorite house was that of Yolanda, he knew that there would find food and shelter in his garden, and Yolanda was already accustomed to the presence of this elusive cat, which is not easy to let go of tenderness. Precisely for this reason Nelson after being hit and left dying on the road one night in late May, was dragged into the yard of Yolanda.
Yolanda when she saw it was made immediately aware that the situation was very serious and is race to the vet, that without thinking about Nelson removed the small, but there is Yolanda wanted to stay and took him to another vet, who has worked immediately!

Nelson in the first week of June has undergone three operations: one to remove the maggots that had invaded his wounds, the second a delicate surgery to reconstruct the diaphragm and the organs back in place, and the third to rearrange a bad fracture to the femur!

On June 29, Iolanda brought to the shelter, Nelson AZALEA , Anna Maria since he took charge, giving all his attention to Nelson, which he initially did not like at all!

In August, Nelson has taken away the iron that allowed him to reset the bone of the femur: Anna Maria she noticed immediately that something was wrong, because the baby had been virtually crippled Nelson !
In early September was led by our vet, who on Sept. 28 it worked again, a long and hard! Nelson was once again bring the iron for another three months, when on December 22 has been taken away!
Now Nelson has regained full mobility of the paw!

Over time Nelson has learned to appreciate the attention that Anna Maria and the other dedicated volunteers of the AZALEA, he learned that he likes the taste of tin chicken and sea bream, which is greedy, he learned that it is more pleasant to be caressed, scratch that , has learned to play, he was born street cat who could not afford to be puppy, she learned that letting go to cuddling a smile to those who would tear them to him he was doing, Nelson has learned a lot in those 6 months .

and we look every day we have learned to appreciate life more, this life that Nelson did not just wanted to slip away!

Nelson now needs a home and a family that gives him all the affection and attention that it deserves special kitty! Nelson has about 1 year, neutered, vaccinated, tested FIV / FeLV negative!

DO NOT HELP TO GROW cattery! For information call Anna Maria
3409061282, 3475288654 or write to Silvia !


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